oooh, you guys. Two children is so much more work than I ever understood! Every time I feel like I’m getting a rhythm, something crops up. The latest was a week of really bad issues (and multiple attacks) with my asthma. BLECH. Really not helpful as a singer.
But we’re not here to talk about that. we’re here to talk about the glory that is apple hill. I’ve always gone in September or early October with my family when we were growing up, but Apple Hill in November is STUNNING. The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, Christmas trees are growing all over the hill. The pumpkins are gone, the apples have all been picked and it’s just crisp, slighly foggy, fall beauty.
We met some friends up there and had a blast. And decided that this was a great time to take some photos!
I did my first ever outside Urdhva Danurasana. WITHOUT touching my back to the wet, muddy ground. Which means I dropped back, something I’ve never successfully done before this! (excuse the belly shot, that sweater was never meant for yoga…)
We got some AMAZING photos of the boy(s) running around.
Captain Awesome got some great shots of me babywearing in my newest learned carry- a back carry! Perfect for doing the dishes when someone just wants to be held.
or when two someones need attention…
and, of course, some family shots to share for christmas cards and to put on our walls…
So, from our family, to yours, happy new year!
~errant soprano