31 days of Positive Thinking

ok.  I’m inspired by this post by my lovely SIL, Cori at Let’s Eat Grandpa.

Basically, she’s following the 2014 Directive at Kate and Trudy – a measurable Goals thing for 2014.  They are using this guideline to set goals for yourself for a month.

“The one “rule” to stick to is setting goals with the S.M.A.R.T. methodology in mind:






I like the idea of having a specific directive for the month – ONE thing to work towards for a month.  So this month, I’m going to try for a Positive May.

Which kind of ties back to this post by Caitlyn at Healthy Tipping Point

So-  With these, spur of the moment goals in mind, here is my S.M.A.R.T. plan for May:

specific - positive thinking, talking, and parenting for the 31 days of May

measurable - ok, this has me stumped…how do you measure {a much needed} attitude change?

attainable -  I’m not looking for miracles here, just a better, less negative, outlook!

relevant - I’m giving birth this month – there has never been a better time to change how I think about myself and how I talk to myself and others!  Positive thinking CAN change the world, at least in my small sphere.

time-bound - I’m focusing on the month of May and the event surrounding becoming a parent a two year old (his birthday is this month) and a newborn.  TWO babies.  POSITIVE THINKING!


OR, as I tried to explain on Cori’s blog in the comments:

Ideally, I’m starting with (heh heh)my hypnobabies CDs :) they’re all about positive birth affirmations and messages – I want to try and listen to them every day (until the baby comes).

So, specific goals:

  • positive self-talk (no negativity about myself to myself)
  • trying to emphasize the positive with D rather than the negative (“whoops, that’s not what mommy was looking for, but you did listen well. Thank you.” type of thing) this is the one i forsee having the most difficulty with… y’know, 2 year old and hormonal, pregnant mommy… eek.
  • Positive communication in my relationships – aka, expressing thankfulness and appreciate-ive-ness (not a word) towards people more – especially with the hubster.
  • Positive thinking about myself. no negative views about what’s coming up this month or what could happen. Trusting in God that He will guide us through this birth and that He made my body for EXACTLY this purpose. and…
  • Positive thinking about my soon-to-be achy, lumpy, postpartum body. Positive body image, positive self image, positive about myself in general. like above – what did I do well there? what is marvelous that I can do? etc.

I Think I’m going to try and keep myself accountable on Instagram (@wigglewoggle) with the hashtag #31PositiveDays  Want to do it with me?


What about you?  Do you ever follow monthly goals? How do you keep yourself accountable?


About Katiebear

Singer, Wife, Mommy, Teacher. Living with nose to the ground.
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2 Responses to 31 days of Positive Thinking

  1. Ashley Arias says:

    I need this soooo badly!! It is very easy for me to see the glass half empty so to speak. I need to do all those same things (minus the pregnancy stuff

  2. Hey there! I’m so excited that you’re following along this month for what looks like a seriously incredible Directive. I’ll have to find you on IG to follow along with your #31positivedays hashtag :) I’d love if you tagged #the2014directive too so your positivity can inspire the other gals!

    I seriously adore your SIL, Cori! You’re a lucky gal :)

    xo, Jessica at Kate & Trudy

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