Obviously still not doing much on the fitness front over here, but still feeling relatively fit this pregnancy… here’s why!
This Guy:
he’s a non-stop running machine and keeping up with him is a fitness task in itself! Plus he currently weighs around 30lbs and has been throwing tantrums that involve throwing himself on the ground. This means that mommy has been carrying him more than she probably ought to (there’s my weight lifting for the day!).
Actually, almost everything about me feeling fit this time around is due to that little monster!
We go to the park (or on an outing that involves walking) every day because he is difficult if we don’t. I’m frequently lifting him still, so there is muscle work happening. I often do low squats to get on his level to communicate or play with him (or put his shoes on). Plus I’m always chasing him down at various speeds!
Otherwise I’m doing a little yoga maybe once a week and singing regularly (which keeps the abdominal muscles fairly toned in a non-fitness model way).
How do you stay fit when you aren’t ‘staying fit’? Do you have kids? Do they keep you in shape or are you doing well about sticking to your fitness plans?